Red Craft Lights

      Step right up, folks, to the fabulous world of red craft lights! They're the sizzle in your Christmas tinsel, the twinkle in your Valentine's surprise, the sparkle at your parties, and the charm at your wedding. With a dash of color, these craft lights can transform small projects into vibrant decor masterpieces.

      Pick your perfect set from options with 10, 15, 20, or 35 lights, all neatly spaced 3 inches apart. Choose between glass or LED. This close-knit community of lights is ideal for filling containers or illuminating miniature trees, all while keeping wire clutter to a minimum. Each set proudly boasts a single plug and a handy 36-inch wire from plug to first light, so say goodbye to those troublesome extension wires!

      Now, here's a hot tip for you - literally. Our glass incandescent light strings do heat up within containers. So, remember not to stuff your containers to the brim! Too much heat could turn your beautiful craft light strand into a short-lived shooting star. Plus, it might not play nice with some surfaces. With these red craft lights, let's keep things fun, safe, and sparkling bright!

      Projects with Red Mini Lights for Crafts

      Here are a few suggestions to get your creative energies going:

      1. Use these lights in either clear or green bottles with white or green wires color, respectively. Add a silver, gold, or red bow and assemble the lit bottles in your wet bar to add color and create a party atmosphere.
      2. Accent your Christmas poinsettas with a strand of red lights.
      3. Add these lights to a small tabletop tree. We like the cute versions showing up in craft stores and fresh, scuplted rosemary trees are super cute. Add miniature ornaments and tiny little bows and you've got a great Christmas tree that will add wonderful flavor to a spaghetti sauce in January. Be sure to use a fun ceramic pot and put your tree in a window that receives plenty of light.