Hi, Shellie out at Christmas Light Source, and we had a few folks make some comments on our video about how to replace a fuse in a mini light plug because I actually didn't open the little door on the plug on camera.
I did it down low so as not to jam the screwdriver into my palm.
Now sometimes this can be a little tricky because you've got a little thin piece of plastic, and if it gets offset either to the right or the left, just like trying to get a drawer in and out of an antique chest of drawers open or close, it's going to be a little tricky.
So you might have to, again, I would suggest you use a little stubby screwdriver. You may have to work that back and forth. But that is exactly what that looks like. There we go. Did it again.
So hopefully this answers the burning question of exactly what it looks like to get that door open, and I hope you have good luck fixing your Christmas lights. Thanks so much for stopping by.