- Pure White Battery Fairy Lights
- A White Cake Stand
- Ceramic bunnies
- Faux flowers - we love peonies, choose your favorite
- Floral picks
We created this sweet table centerpiece with a few easily purchased items and a set of our Battery Fairy Lights.
We've created this centerpiece with whtie battery lights but yellow works great as well. Fairy lights are a great choice for seasonal displays because they last over 100 hours per 3 new AA batteries.

A cake plate makes a great base - not to0 tall to see over but lifts your happy objects off of the tabletop. We love this white Southern Living plate that we've had for years.

These eggs were spotting and purchased from the Target dollar spot.

We love peonies in every form. These fantastic faux versions were picked up at a local craft store or perhaps Walmart. Not that we'd admit that. We've heard that Trader Joe's will be rolling out fresh peonies soon!!

More Target Dollar Spot finds. These bunnies are fan. tas. tic. We love seeing them every Spring.

Our finished centerpiece. Please share your projects and Happy Easter!

The view from above.

Our lovely Centerpiece
Let us know what your Easter Centerpiece looks like and we will share your picture on our social media pages.