Easter is around the corner!
Now is the time to look at our decor stash, through fun Easter aisles and create projects that will feel like Spring whether it's warm outside or not!
Since it uses battery lights, it's super easy to pop it onto a bathroom countertop, onto a shelf, or light a dorm room!
- Glass dome with base
- Happy little planter or ceramic Easter themed figure
- Green paper easter grass
- Battery lights
Our cheerful chick with inspired greenery (read faux or heaven forbid "fake") came from the Target Dollar Spot.
A more adventurous person might consider an actual plant such as a cute little begonia cutting or a succulent. Since we've had a tragic track record with succulents we've made the lower maintenance choice.

The glass dome with a base. We love the one shown below from IKEA and we've seen them at hobby and craft stores. Hopefully, you've been a reader of our blog and have one on hand already! (We have a shelf of them in different sizes, so should you!)

For this project we hit the Easter aisle and purchased upscale paper Easter basket grass.

These are the warm white battery lights. Choose the number of sets based on the size of the dome. We pulled out two sets but one set was enough for this project.

Artfully smash down a tiny handful of the Easter grass into a round circle. Fold that paper! Make it work!

We do mean smash. The grass kept trying to escape the photograph so we had to call in Elizabeth to be our hand model.

Add the planter. A little ceramic chick or bunny would be a nice choice as well.

Our secret to "filling" a tall container is the use a light set with bare wires that hold their shape and start by turning on the lights and wrapping them around the container.

The perfect sized circle.

With great dexterity, a casual attitude, and about 30 seconds of time, spin the lights up into the dome. Worth the battery pack towards the back of the dome as you work.

Trap it all with the dome. Trim the errant strands of grass or tempt fate and tilt the dome up and tuck them back in with their friends.

Find a location for your project. Turn down the lights. Appreciate your project.
A few photos for location inspiration! Be sure to share photos of your projects! Send them to customerservice@christmas-light-source.com, attach them to a review of our battery lights or share them on our Facebook or on Instagram @christmaslightsource #christmaslightsource