Who's ready for Christmas vacation?
Christmas traditions run deep when it comes to Christmas movies. We were inspired by National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for this project.
The wreath. Be sure to fluff it up. Choose a thick wreath to hide the cord.

We chose vintage-style C7 multi-color painted bulbs. So retro! So nostalgic!
A standard C7 cord with green wire and 12 inches of space between the sockets.
Our fun sign for this project! Our Ode to the Griswalds!!
Find a sign like this at a hobby and craft store or sweet talk that friend you have who has a vinyl cutting system.
Install the bulbs in the cord. Give each bulb a counterclockwise 1/4 turn to prevent cross threading.
The sockets have a clip built into them, we used that to our advantage. This allowed us to keep our lights exactly where we like them.
Wrap the lights into the wreath. Be sure to pass the light through the center of the wreath to keep the string secure on the greenery.
These bulbs are so bright they are lighting up the camera. These are wonderfully rich and colorful in "real life".
Add the sign! Completed project. Twenty minutes and it's ready for the door or entryway.
Ready to greet our guests for our Christmas movie fun night.
Lights off. The daytime look.
What's your favorite Christmas movie? Let me know in the comments below!