Hi, this is Shellie over Christmas Light Source, and this is a set of our red chasing mini lights. Basically, these have 140 lights to the sets based four inches apart. So they are 48 feet, 10 inches long approximately. And you can either have them straight line, or you can mix them up for a simulated twinkle effect. So this actual set is on three circuits. So the lights travel 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 down your whole set of mini lights. So if you have them in a straight line, it looks like the lights tracking from left to right or right to left.
You can see that in the first three bulbs, for instance, on this set how it just alternates 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3. So it's not just one bulb traveling from one end to the other. It's all three circuits. So basically, you have one that's doing on/off. The next one's on/off sequentially and the third one is on/off sequentially. You control the rate of the flashing with your controller box. And so you can make it go either faster until it has the appearance that it's steady on. And so, these lights, if you make them in a straight line will look as though they are chasing, but if you randomly put them on your tree or if you randomly put them on your shrubs then it'll simulate random twinkle.
Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by, and you can find these in our mini lights category under Chasing Mini Lights. Thanks for stopping by.