Ever wonder how much you are really spending on your Christmas Lights?
Think about LED vs traditional lights and wondering how much you'll save?
Use this handy form to answer both these questions. Just enter in how many bulbs, sets, or nets you plan to install or purchase and you'll see how much you'll spend on electricity to run your lights based on your cost of electricty.
Energy Cost Calculator
Number of C7 bulbs (5 watts per bulb) | |
Number of C9 bulbs (7 watts per bulb) | |
Number of Mini Lights (avg .45 watts per bulb) | |
Number of 150 mini light net lights (multiply by 67 watts) | |
Number of LED light sets (avg 2 watts per set) | |
Number of LED light bulbs (avg .65 watts per bulb) | |
Total kW | |
Enter price you pay for electricity: $/kWH example: .15 | |
Total cost of electricity per hour | |
Tips to Save on Electricity
If you are surprised by the results of our electricity calculator you might consider some of the following tips:
- Limit Light Time. Put your lights on a timer. Few Holiday-goers are out and about at 2 am in the morning. Be sure to use a durable Christmas lights timer that is made to withstand the elements. Install it in a place that is easy to access so you can make changes as the days get even shorter.
- Choose Energy-efficient Lights. You might consider going LED. A bit pricier than traditional Christmas lights due to a more complicated manufacturing process, they use 80-90% less energy than incandescents. These fabulous cutting edge Holiday Lights don't have exactly the same look as what you are used to so you might consider getting a couple of sets to try at first.
- Shorten the Season. Consider when you put your lights up. We are big personal fans of putting them up at the end of November and leaving them up until January. Take a good look at your budget and see if this timing works for you - a week later and down by New Year's may be the way to go.
Above all, have fun with your Christmas lights as you celebrate the Christmas Season.